
Reducing Water Poverty Through Retrofitted Water Flow Regulators

18 aug 2021

By Caroline Gray-Mason, Director of Water at Cenergist

According to a recent announcement from the Consumer Council for Water (CCW), more than 1 million UK households are currently struggling to pay their water bills. According to the research, some people have had to skip meals in order to pay for their water, with approximately 1.7 million people in “water poverty” – defined as having to spend more than 5% of their income after housing costs on water bills.

While the government has pledged that it will work with the industry to find solutions for stronger, better and fairer water services for those who need it most, a further 3 million people are believed to be on the cusp of water poverty. Clearly, quick and efficient action is required. 

One cost effective way in which councils, social housing providers and New Build construction companies can tackle water poverty would be to address the water flow technology used in homes. By fitting water flow regulators into homes, buildings can have optimised water flow throughout, providing a long term stable water supply, with significantly reduced running costs for residents.

In this article, Caroline Gray-Mason, Director of Water at Cenergist, will explain that in light of CCW’s findings, there is actually a lot that councils can be doing to help lower the water bills of their residents – and at a low cost. Caroline will discuss:

  • How retrofitted upgrades can provide a low-cost solution to high water bills. Water flow regulators can be deployed to let the optimal amount of water through at all times regardless of high consumption on the network during periods of peak demand
  • How installing the water flow regulators into newly built properties can keep bills lower from the outset
  • How water flow regulators decrease the amount of water and energy used. They provide a constant amount of water. This ensures the comfortable use of water that adds to the stability of the water systems and reduces utility bills by up to £100 across the year
  • How retrofitted upgrades aren’t only short term solutions. Made of steel and strong synthetic materials, water flow regulators are designed to work efficiently for the long term

View article as featured on UK Construction Online